Patient Resources

Here you will find everything you need to know about your awesome contact lenses. Care and handling guides, “How to” videos, frequently asked questions, and more…

Care & Handling Video

Watch the below video to get familiar with your new lenses.

Custom Stable Lens Care Tips

Use only GP approved solutions

💧 Use only GP approved solutions for the care and handling of your Custom Stable lenses; e.g., Unique PH, Boston Solutions or Clear Care.

Clean your lenses daily

🔵 Clean and soak your lenses in clean, fresh solution every day. Do NOT use tap water.

Replace your lens case monthly

♻️ We recommend that you replace your contact lens case monthly to ensure optimal cleanliness.

Use proper removal technique

⭐️ Remove lens from eye by pulling from the edge of the lens.

Use only preservative-free saline

👁️ Use only preservative-free saline to fill the bowl of your Custom Stable lenses; e.g., Nutrifill, Lacripure, PuriLens.

Tangible Hyrda-PEG insert

📖 If your Custom Stable lenses are manufactured with Tangible Hyrda-PEG coating, please refer to the Tangible Hyrda-PEG insert accompanied with the lenses.

Shop for Unique pH™ 👁️

Unique pH® is a highly effective and well-respected multipurpose solution for gas permeable contact lenses. Unique pH® removes dirt, protein deposits, debris, and disinfects lenses using antimicrobial agents, which destroy harmful microorganisms.

Shop for Nutrifill Solution 🔵

Nutrifill is a preservative free solution designed for scleral lens wearers and the wearers of hybrid and gas permeable contact lenses. It has been physiologically formulated to mimic your body’s natural tears.

Shop for Tangible Clean 💧

Tangible Clean multi-purpose contact lens solution cleans, rinses, disinfects, stores, and conditions your contact lenses. Tangible Clean is compatible for use with any lens type including RGP lenses, scleral lenses, hybrid lenses, and soft lenses.

Shop for Other Scleral Lens Supplies

Replace your DMV plungers, get a new scleral stand or an additional scleral lens travel kit, and more…

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • There is no standard wear time. Some patients are able to comfortably wear the lenses a few hours at a time and others can wear it the entire day.

  • You should avoid showering with lenses because shower water is not sterile and could introduce bacteria into the lens.

  • With proper fit and prescription, at home troubleshooting you can do would be to take lens out and clean it. Avoid using creams or lotions on hands or face before lens application. Ensure there isn’t a bubble in the lens. Otherwise contact your doctor to evaluate the lenses.

  • Not enough solution in the bowl of the lens, not raising applicator up directly perpendicular to eye, and applying too much pressure with application could cause bubbles. If application methods are proper, make appointment with doctor for fit evaluation.

  • Note any associations and how quickly they turn red. Make an appointment with your doctor to evaluate the lenses and limit the lens wear until your exam.

  • With normal wear and tear, most lenses could last about 1-2 years. Proper maintenance and cleaning solutions help with the longevity of the lenses.

  • No – this could introduce bacteria to the lens, especially within the bowl (which is in contact with the front surface of the eye through the entire wear time). Any intruders could grow within the lens bowl and lead to infection.

  • Before. Oils and creams can compromise the vision by coating the front of the lens and affecting the wetting properties of the lens.

  • No – any body of water can be a breeding ground for pathogens. These can get into the lens bowl and lead to infection. If it happens, remove the lenses as soon as possible, clean and reapply with fresh solution.

  • No – sleeping with your lenses on can lead to swelling of the cornea due to lack of oxygen. You will likely wake up with blurry vision and uncomfortable eyes.

Product Information and Inserts

Access all the products information and inserts.

If you have any additional questions regarding your contact lenses, please contact your eye care provider.